Yakitori – 0.1


There are several different types of yakitori grills out there. Forget all the non-charcoal ones and you get a limited set of commercial products and only a few DIY ones.

My design requirements:

  • Charcoal
  • Cooking surface for 2+ portions
  • Small and storable (I only have a patio)
  • Self contained. Everything needed (except the coal) should fit nicely together
  • Aesthetic
  • Simple

Here is my 3d model of the prototype:

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Mold Making

I made a quick mold out of wood and expanding foam. Little did I know, the expanding foam (my wife idea) was crucial to the prototype’s success. You’ll see why later.

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I used cartable refractory cement mixed with fiber glass and cement dye for the mix. Getting the mix even and the right wetness was a little tricker than I expected. Then packing the cement was a lot harder because I didn’t assemble the mold int he right order. In fact, the process went a little sideways and I didn’t get a chance to take any photos.



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And this is why the expanding foam was so important! Without the ability to cut it all out and collapse the walls of the insert, I could have never gotten the grill out of the mold without splitting it.


Cured grill



3 days later, we have a fully cured grill!!!!

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Time to cook. And just in time for my wife’s Birthday!

I don’t have a screen built for it yet, but my hope if that the grill when placed vertically will also double as a charcoal stack for lighting the coals.


Pro tip: spray a little olive oil on your paper for a longer burn.

With the coals hot, it was time to cook:

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Initial Thoughts


mmm, damn this is good! We even turned out a really nice tare sauce.


Ok, this was great. Like super great, but there is room for more. Yakitori-0.2 is already in progress!